P.V. FAMILY Resources
If you notice any errors or have questions about this website, please email Kaylen Miller at kaymiller@pvschools.net
If you notice any errors or have questions about this website, please email Kaylen Miller at kaymiller@pvschools.net
Homework Helpers provide step-by-step explanations of how (and why!) to work problems similar to those found in Eureka Math homework assignments. Click here for a sample. For access to the Homework Helpers contact your child's teacher or email Kaylen Miller: kaymiller@pvschools.net
Activities For Home Module 1
- Play the license plate game with numbers as you walk through your neighborhood.
- Have them look for a 1 on a license plate. Then find a 2, then a 3, and so on.
- Write your name and a family member’s name. How many letters are in your name?
- How many are in your family member’s name? Which name has more?
- Look through a store ad. Cut out numbers 0-20. Put the numbers in order from least to greatest.
- Grab a handful of an item, cereal, beans, etc. Estimate how many pieces you grabbed.
- Now count them. Was your estimate close?
- Estimate how many spoonful it take to finish a bowl of cereal. Count each spoonful as you eat.
- Walk around your home. Count how items are plugged into the wall.
- Show the number 5 in as many ways as you can. Use pictures and numbers
Activities For Home Module 2
- Look around your home for solid shapes. Name at least 3 solid shapes.
- Look around your home for flat shapes. Draw at least three of the shapes.
- Look around your home for circles. Count them and record how many you found.
- Explore Position words. Use toys to model before, after, above, below, and beside. Describe using attributes. Ex. The blue car is behind the red car.
- Sort a bag of skittles or other candy by color. Count each color. What color has the most? What color has the least?
- Get three different cups. Put them in order from shortest to tallest.
- Sort the mail by name. Who has the least amount of mail? Who has the most amount of mail?
- Find 3 objects in the home that are longer than your shoe.
Activities For Home Module 3
- Trace your foot with chalk outside. Trace a friend’s or family member’s foot too. Which foot is longer?
- Sort a bag of skittles or other candy by color. Count each color. What color has the most? What color has the least?
- Get three different cups. Put them in order from shortest to tallest.
- Sort the mail by name. Who has the least amount of mail? Who has the most amount of mail?
- Find 3 objects in the home that are longer than your shoe.
Please email your child's teacher for a copy of the Homework Helper access code.
Activities For Home Module 4
- Use cereal pieces to solve the following problem: Mason has 10 pieces of cereal. He eats 4 pieces. How many pieces are left
- How old are you now? Subtract one from that number and record it. Add 3 to that number and record it.
- Count backwards from 100. Skip count to 100 by 10s. Which took longer? Write your answer.
- Go outside and find two clovers. Write an equation to show how many leaves are on both clovers.
- Use some fruit to solve the following problem: Ken has 5 bananas in a bunch. He eats some. There are 3 left. How many bananas did he eat?
- Ben had 4 chairs at his kitchen table in the morning. After school there was only 1 chair at the kitchen table. How many chairs are missing?
Please email your child's teacher for a copy of the Homework Helper access code.
Please email your child's teacher for a copy of the Homework Helper access code