
Patricia Yacoub '24

Watercolor on Bristol board

11" x 15"


Isa Marut '24

Acrylic paint on Brisol board 

9" x 10"

"Blueberry Bushel"

Devyn  Wallace '24

Colored pencil on watercolor paper

9" x 12"

"Brother Against Brother"

Maria Canan '24

Black ball point pen with accents of gold paint on drawing paper

40" x 18"

Michael the Arcangel

Charlie Balderrama '25

Ball point pen on Bristol board

8" x 10"

"Purple David"

Molly Raiguel '25

Colored pencil on Bristol board

5"x 8.5"

"Purple Griffin"

Eliana Bergstrom '24

Digital drawing

"Ridley and Riley"

Reagan Petti '24

Pastel on black paper

9" x 12"

"Small Still Life"

Mia Alfaro '25

Chalk pastel

12" x 18"


Sebastian Lopez '24

Ink on drawing paper
