Nicole Mangiere • Assistant Principal •
"I wanted to attend to learn more about district wide initiatives. I am excited to collaborate with teachers in our district since I am new to my position."
Elementary School
Jennifer Bruno • Grade 3 Teacher •
"I am on my district's Environmental and sustainability committee and am interested in learning more about this and ways to teach this to my/all of our students. Through this institute I hope to be able to not only teach but encourage our youth to be more mindful of our world and its resources."
Alessandra Cirillo • K-4 Technology Teacher •
"The efforts towards incorporating this type of curriculum, based on renewable energy sources and sustainability in schools is very important and timely and needs to begin at a very young age and be carried throughout a student’s education, so that they are a well informed citizen and can model the future as participants and problem solvers with forthcoming energy and climate challenges."
Middle School
Georgia Sommer • Special Education Grade 5 •
"As I begin my teaching career, I am eager to learn about how I can effectively integrate concepts of sustainability into the curriculum. I believe it is essential that students understand how they can practice a sustainable life and gain a deep conceptual understanding of what sustainability means & looks like in today's society. I am confident that my participation in the Summer Institute will equip me with the skills, language, and knowledge that will help me create meaningful and engaging learning experiences for my future students & school community. I hope that the Summer Institute will provide me with the tools to begin a dialogue with my students, colleagues, parents and the local community that will ignite a passion, motivation, and curiosity about how we can be agents of change in our modern world."
Wanda Diaz • Science 7,8 •
"I feel that attending the CELF Summer Institute will allow me to network with peers as well as educate myself regarding environmental literacy that I can share with my science classes."
LeeAnn Johnson • Science 6 •
"I would like to attend the CELF Summer Institute to help develop curriculum that connects sustainability to community issues."
Maria Bradfield • Earth Science and Biology 7, 8 •
"Our school district will be making significant improvements with its implementation of sustainable energy in the coming years. Given the "right in our backyard" aspect of the upcoming building and grounds project, we feel the creation of an accompanying curriculum, with immediate connections to real-world issues, would be an amazing opportunity for our students. As a result of the CELF Summer Institute, I hope to be able to develop and implement meaningful curriculum for my students."
Christine Crill • 5th Grade Math/Science •
"After attending the Superintendent's conference day overview presentation and 2 hour workshop, I feel I would gain much from this educational opportunity. As a teacher with 29 years of experience, teaching children the importance of nature and sustainability has always had an overarching theme in my teaching. I will be teaching 5th grade math and science for the first time next year and believe incorporating this with greater prominence is more important than ever in our society today."
High School
Nicholas Lenhard • Social Studies 9-12 •
"I want to attend the CELF Summer Institute in Education for Sustainability in order to contribute to my district's goals of creating a sustainable campus that can be tied into curriculum. I feel I will become more environmentally literate, which will allow me to educate students more effectively on sustainability."
Craig Glenn • Special Education HS •
"To help our new school Initiative, and help our school/community being more environmentally minded."