June 2020 - Drama Information

Live video links found below: June 5 at 6:00 am - June 7 at 12:00 pm

Dear Addams Family Cast, Crew, and Families,

We hope you are all doing well and we miss you! We wanted to update you on a few things, including watching the dress rehearsal recordings, ticket refunds, and next year’s show.

  • Dress Rehearsal Recordings
    As you might know, we made recordings of our two dress rehearsals as a “just in case,” even though we had every hope and intention of putting on the show. Now that we know we will not be in school for the rest of the school year, we are planning on setting up a way for you to view these dress rehearsal recordings this coming weekend June 6th.
    The links will be available on June 5th and will be posted below. Check back then!

  • Ticket Refunds
    If you would like us to send you a refund for any tickets you purchased (or void a check you wrote) please fill out the following google form below. We will consider any money not requested as a refund to be a donation to our program. Please know that each of our shows is funded by the previous year’s ticket sales. Without the ticket money from this year, it will be difficult for us to fund a show for next year and plan for the future.

  • Next Year’s Show
    Our plans for next year are really up in the air right now. We’re not sure how much funding we will have to put on a show, let alone if we will be allowed to have large rehearsals and gatherings. We will all have to keep an open and flexible mindset as we look to the future. As soon as we are able to make any decisions that we feel are feasible, we will let you know!

Thank you for your understanding with all of this!

With Love,

Mrs. Craane and Ms. Kraus

Links to the recorded Addams Family A New Musical Comedy are below.

These links are no longer available.

Friday Cast

Saturday Cast

These links will be available Friday, June 5 - 6:00 am - Sunday June, 7 - 12:00 pm