Managing Test Anxiety

What can you do if you experience test anxiety?

Feeling anxious or worried before a test is completely normal, but sometimes, we continue to feel anxious leading up to a test or DURING a test, and that can be a problem. Too much test anxiety can get in the way of you performing your best on a test. Check out the links on this page for ways you can manage test anxiety and different strategies you can use before and during a test!

If you have a test coming up and you're still feeling anxious, visit your counselor for strategies and skills that can help you overcome your test anxiety!

Signs of Test Anxiety

Signs of Test Anxiety

Tips and Videos for Test Anxiety (What to do BEFORE a test)

Test Anxiety - Before the test
Test Anxiety - Before the test.webm

Tips and Videos for Test Taking Strategies (What to do DURING a test)

Test Taking Strategies
Test Taking Strategies.webm

YouTube Strategies

Test Anxiety Strategies