Guidance Postings

What's In Your Future? 

Vision boards can help you to identify and "see" a daily reminder of what is possible for your future! You don't need to print anything out- just create a poster(small on a piece of paper or large on a poster board) and add anything that you want in your future! It can be goals, dreams, or activities that you look forward to doing! You can cut your pictures out from a old magazine, draw your pictures- whatever you would like for your board. If you participate, please send me a pic of your finished project. I would love to see it! 

Gratitude and Happiness

Recognizing people and things that we are grateful for can help students to feel "happy"! Please have your student brainstorm 5 things that make them grateful and post on the Guidance Google Classroom! 

(It is okay to list activities that we can't do right now).

Color the World with Kindness 

Students are challenged to "color" their world with kindness by doing good deeds! Students can do kind deeds for their families, share extra responsibilities for doing chores at home, draw a picture for someone, or make a poster of positivity for the community that can be displayed at home! Any acts of kindness can be initiated by students. Students are invited to message me to share their acts of kindness : ) 

Dealing with Mistakes- What are good choices?

Please have students log on to their grade level Google Classroom for Mrs. Warrington's read aloud and discussion questions. 

Coping Skills and Getting Along with Others

Positive Attitude

Perseverance and Facing Fears

Worries and Coping Skills

     Please have your student log onto Google Classroom to print out the craftivity and to complete the worksheet below! 

Calm Down Strategy Sort.pdf

Worries We Can and Cannot Control

Constantly worrying about things you can’t control can be very frustrating and anxiety-inducing. Instead, we should  focus on coping strategies for things we can’t change. That allows us to refocus our energy and effort on things we can change! 


Following reading/listening to Wilma Jean the Worry Machine, students can write (or draw) examples of things they can control inside the circle. Students should brainstorm things they cannot control and write those outside of the circle. The weather, what others say or do, when you have a test, and the color of our eyes are all examples of things they cannot control.

After completing the worksheet, student may  practice the two coping skills on the square worksheet  to deal with the emotions of things that are out of our control. 

Students can think about being responsible over what they can control, like what we say to others, choosing to make good choices, and what effort we put into our school work.