An essay competition on Catholic Social Teaching in Central and Eastern Europe

The Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas is organising an essay competition for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). 

We are looking for new and innovative thinking which combines an acute analysis of society and societal challenges with a deep understanding of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and is able to bring these two together in order to generate new, significant and valuable insights. 

Candidates may have written and published before on the topic, but the text submitted for the Prize must be new, original and previously unpublished.

What is the CREATE Prize looking for?

An original, unpublished contribution in English of not less than 2500 and not more than 6000 words that deals with a topic of great importance for the Central and Eastern European region in relation to Catholic Social Thought. The actual topic can be chosen by the candidate

Here are some suggestions, grouped into 5 areas, but topics from other areas are also welcome:

We welcome essays from  one or more of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.

First Prize: 3,000 euros and (only if the health situation permits) travel and accommodation costs for a five-night stay in Rome at the end of November, in order to present the topic to a wider group of expert and for the prize-giving ceremony.

The prizewinning essay and further selected essays will be published in an appropriate journal or as part of a book, as will be agreed with the Faculty of Social Sciences. 

Submission deadline: June 30, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply? 

Young people (20-35) in the CEE region with a first cycle (bachelor’s) degree or higher. Members of the Jury or their family members are not eligible to apply. Each applicant can make one submission only.

What are the formal requirements for an essay?

An original, unpublished contribution in English of not less than 2500 and not more than 6000 words that deals with a topic of great importance for the CEE region in relation to CST. The actual topic can by chosen by the candidate. Documents must be submitted in PDF format (a doc format will be later required to the winners for publication).

What is CREATE?

Catholic social teaching Rome Exchange: Advanced Training Experience (CREATE) is an international programme of the Faculty of Social Science at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum in Rome, to promote inclusion and social innovation through a greater awareness and knowledge about Catholic Social Teaching and its applications in society (social, political and economic issues).

VIEW and DOWNLOAD the Call for Application

Create Prize CA2024.pdf