Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino - Angelicum

5. Dean_General overview April 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial Dean General Overview ENG

3. Dean_General Overview April 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial Decani General Overview ITA

4. Professors_General Overview April 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial Professori General Overview ITA

Professors_Locker Reservation Request ENG.mp4
6. Professors_General overview May 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial Professors General Overview Eng

Professori_Richiesta armadietto ITA.mp4
1Professors_Course Attendance _ITA.mp4

Tutorial Presenze Corso Professori ITA

Professors_Course Attendance ENG.mp4
10. Professors_My classroom_Exam grades May 2023_ITA (1).mp4

Tutorial Professori voti esami ITA

7. Professors_ My Classroom_Course Information tab_ITA.mp4

Tutorial My Classroom Course information Professors ITA

11. Professors_My Classroom_Group exam June 2023_ITA (1).mp4

Tutorial My Classroom Group Professors ITA

21. Professors_My Classroom_Course Information Sept. 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial My Classroom Course Information Professors Eng

29. Students_Third Party Payment Requests Dec. 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial Studenti_Richieste di pagamento di terzi ITA

30. Students_ Third Party Payment Requests Dec 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial Students_Third Party Payment Requests Eng

19. Students_New enrollment_STEP2_Confirmation of courses in the Plan of Study Aug. 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial Studenti_Nuova iscrizione_STEP 2_Conferma dei corsi del piano di studio ITA

20. Students_New enrollment_STEP 2_Confirmation of courses in the Plan of Study Aug. 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial Students_New enrollment_STEP 2_Confirmation of courses in the Plan of Study Eng

14. Students_Re-enrollment July 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial  Students_Re-enrollment ITA

Studenti_Documenti ITA.mp4
15. Students_Re-enrollment July 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial  Students_Re-enrollment Eng

Students_Documents ENG.mp4
16. Students_Academic fees and payments July 2023_ITA.mp4

Tutorial Students_Academic Fees an Payments ITA

Studenti Dilazione ITA.mp4
17. Students_Academic Fees an Payments July 2023_ENG.mp4

Tutorial Students_Academic Fees an Payments Eng

Dilazioni ENG.mp4
Ticket ITA.mp4