Welcome Guild Coaches to the Purdue Global Knowledge Center!  On the following page, you will find a description of the new Business Education Start Track program and how you might be able to re-direct a student who has reached out to you for support while navigating their education experience at PG. 

 BEST: Business Education Start Track 

The Business Education Start Track program is designed for Guild business students who have zero transfer credits (0TC) and have applied to an approved undergraduate business program. The purpose of the BEST program is designed to prepare students without college experience to be successful at this level of education. 

At the end of Term 5, BEST students who successfully complete all eight courses will receive a Business Fundamentals Micro-credential. 



If a Guild student is enrolled in the BEST program, and needs help, please follow the following suggestions:


PG has a lot of resources to get students started. These resources cover our webinars and academic tutoring. 

PG Welcome Site

Description of the resource:

This resource walks students through some guidelines to be prepared to start classes.

How to help a student access this resource:


Description of the resource:

This resource has a calendar of webinars for the student to join. If they are having an academic problem, likely there is a webinar they can attend to help them get back on track. 

How to help a student access this resource:

Academic Success Center

Description of the resource:

This is our tutoring center. Students can get live tutoring in writing, math, science, business, technology, and in student success skills. If a student is struggling academically, encourage them to go to tutoring. 

How to help a student access this resource:


Students will need to get the hang of discussion boards fast. These are good resources for the first 2 weeks. 

Discussion Board Posts Using APA

Description of the resource:

This resource walks students through some guidelines *do’s and don’ts” of discussion boards.

How to help a student access this resource:

Discussion Board Secrets Webinar

Description of the resource:

This webinar is lead by a staff member of our Academic Success Center which offers free tutoring and webinars for students on a variety of topics. This webinar is about an hour. Students can watch a prerecorded presentation of attend a live session the first Thursday of the term.

How to help a student access this resource:


Refer students to these time management resources as soon as you can. These resources can set students up for success. If a student is struggling at any point, time management is a good place to start!

Time Management Calculator

Description of the resource:

This resource helps students think about how they spend their time. They are able to add in all the activities like work and family! This helps students be realistic when they plan out their time.

How to help a student access this resource:

Time Management Guide

Description of the resource:

This resource helps students plan out their days using a master-plan for the week. It is helpful for students to set time aside for their coursework. 

How to help a student access this resource:

Time Management Template

Description of the resource:

This resource is the companion to the time management guide. It is a blank template that students can fill in. 

How to help a student access this resource:


Refer students to the writing center resources when they express trouble getting started on their papers, writers' block, and/or a lack of confidence about writing. 

Writing Center Resource

Description of the resource:

From grammar to punctuation and beyond this is a glossary-style reference for students to quickly look up rule and tricks to write better. 

How to help a student access this resource:

Paragraph With Pie Podcast

Description of the resource:

This 10 minute podcast is fun and upbeat. It uses the PIE method of paragraph development

How to help a student access this resource:

Paragraph Development

Description of the resource:

This walks students how to develop paragraphs, and gives tips for clear and concise writing. 

How to help a student access this resource:


Refer students to these resources if they are unsure how to get to the library, or if they need to write a paper that requires additional resources.

PG Library

Description of the resource:

The Purdue Global Library is a resource to help students with any research they need to do. This is a full service library. Students are able to "ask a librarian" questions, and can search for resources from the PG Library Page

How to help a student access this resource:

Library tutorials and videos

Description of the resource:

The Purdue Global Library's resource page has dozens of specialized topic help for students--all available 24/7 when students need help

How to help a student access this resource:


These other resources focus on APA, Plagiarism., and additional study skills. 

Study Skills Play List

Description of the resource:

Generated by the center for Academic Success Center, these videos go over study tips and "life hacks" to make learning easier for students. 

How to help a student access this resource:

Plagiarism Podcast

Description of the resource:

This 11 minute podcast goes through the definition of plagiarism, and how to avoid it--"giving credit where credit is due."

How to help a student access this resource:

APA-Avoiding Plagiarism

Description of the resource:

The Purdue Global Library is a resource to help students with any research they need to do. This is a full service library. Students are able to "ask a librarian" questions, and can search for resources from the PG Library Page

How to help a student access this resource:

MT140 Introduction to Management 


 This class contains "example papers" and templates for the weekly assignment papers.

 Always refer the student to their faculty if they have a course concern.

Tips and Tricks:

 When students struggle with this course, it is usually with writing. Encourage students to focus on their past experiences as a starting point for what to write about. 

Refer to writing resources above.  

MM150 Survey of Mathematics 


 Each unit contains a Live Binder with resources to help students master the content. The binder contains videos and explanations for the content. 

Tips and Tricks:

 When Students struggle in this class, frequently it is related to their feelings about math, which makes them want to avoid it. Encourage them to spend more time on math.

Refer students to the Academic Success Center (resource above).