Welcome to National Chemistry Week!

About National Chemistry Week

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This annual program unites ACS local sections, student chapters, technical divisions, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. NCW occurs annually during the third week of October, typically the same week as Mole Day. 

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a public awareness campaign that promotes the value of chemistry in everyday life. ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate NCW by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry. Read more about NCW.

National Chemistry Week (#ACS_NCW) is celebrated this year during the week of October 15-21, with the theme “The Healing Power of Chemistry.” Chemistry plays a crucial role in formulating the medicines we take when we get sick, developing the vaccinations we roll our sleeves up for, and testing the blood samples that we provide at our doctors’ offices.

The theme recognizes the tremendous advances made by medical professionals and scientists with inspiration from ancient peoples’ habits, from plants and animals in the wild, and from our own bodies’ mechanisms to prevent, fight, heal, and restore us to health. Did you know, currently about 11 percent of all medicines considered “essential” by the World Health Organization (WHO) are derived from flowering plants?

In this episode of the History of Chemistry web series, CHF visitor services assistant Kathy Tusler, describes a case in our museum called "Under the Skin." And it's all about how understanding chemistry and using scientific techniques has rapidly increased man's knowledge about disease and advanced the field of medicine. Kathy explains Hippocrates' early theory about "four humors" and how their balance was critical to human and animal health.