
We created this site to provide you with information and tools related to the new Purdue Global brand.  We hope this helps you think about how you represent PG and use the voice of the Purdue Global brand in your work with our students.

The new marketing strategy will take effect and the new brand assets will start to go into market the beginning of April 2023.

Overall Brand and Marketing Goal

Transform Purdue Global into a well positioned and differentiated online solution and brand that working adults and employers trust and prefer. 

Why are we Launching a New Brand and Marketing Strategy? 

Our new brand strategy will transform Purdue Global from an undifferentiated and misunderstood product into Purdue’s thriving online solution for working adults, preferred by students, employers, and partners. Becoming top-of-mind, meaningful, and distinct with our target audiences will lead to greater student demand, greater employer demand, greater partner demand, improved student outcomes, reputation and performance.

“A strong brand is a business’s most valuable commercial asset.  It increases the chances of customers choosing your product or service over your competitor’s, attracting more customers, at a lower cost per sale, who are happy to pay a little more, and will buy it a little more often."

"A strong brand will deliver more revenue, profit and growth, more efficiently, year after year, and so generate more shareholder value. And, can work as a barrier to entry for future competitors, creating a legal ‘monopoly’.”

"A stronger brand will mean stronger residual awareness, familiarity and understanding of what you offer that can generate future cash flow. A brand isn’t a luxury, it’s future cash flow."  

   --- Tom Roach - Marketing, Brand and Communications Strategist

What should I expect with the launch of the new brand?

As we shift our brand and marketing strategy to build awareness and target our marketing to working adults with life experience and some college credit, you should expect to see potential students who:

Town Hall: Internal Brand Launch

If you missed the Town Hall on March 15th, click on the links to the right to hear from Chancellor Frank Dooley, our Chief Marketing Officer, Ethan Braden and Director of Brand and Strategy, Kati Pratt to hear all of the details on the new brand and marketing strategy! 

Links to the March 15th Town Hall 

The unedited recording is available here.

Anthem Video

Our brand narrative video - otherwise known as our anthem video - is an internal rally cry and speaks to why we do what we do as well as the key points of our brand strategy. (1 minute)

PUR-046B_Purdue Global Hype_v03.mp4

PG Hype Video

Get excited!  Watch the Purdue Global "Hype" video and learn why it is so important to build and develop a strong brand!

(2 minutes)

One Purdue Global: Video

Watch this video to learn more about all of the developmental elements of the Purdue Global brand - how the brand was built, who we're for, and how we can incorporate the voice of the brand into everything we do.

(4 minutes)

PUR-046_Purdue Global_One Purdue_v09.mp4
FINAL_Purdue Global_Training_Brand One Sheet_v2 (March 10, Final to Purdue).pdf

Brand Overview: One Pager

This one page document summarizes key points of the Purdue Global brand.

Jacque's Story: Video

Jacque Yates, Purdue Global Class of '21 graduate, shares how her Purdue Global journey aligns with the new Purdue Global brand.

(5 minutes)

My Movie.mov


For questions related to the brand and marketing campaign, please send an email to comm@purdueglobal.edu 


Branding and creative assets

Where can I find the logos and brand guidelines?

They will be available on PGNet by April 3rd.  

Is there a plan to have the new logo with each of the department names or are we going with just the PG logo and no department names?

We will have logo lockups for each of the schools and some student facing departments.

Will there be font equivalents in Google and Canva equivalents?

We are using alternative fonts for Google slide templates and those fonts most likely can be transferred to Canva

Can our students call themselves Boilermakers?

Yes, we refer to our graduates as Boilermakers.

Occasionally, students will ask exactly what their diplomas will say.  Will the diploma now say Purdue Global or Purdue University Global?  

Our legal name is Purdue University Global d/b/a Purdue Global.  Purdue University Global will be used on the diplomas and other legal/official/financial documents.

Brand and marketing strategy

If we have good student stories that exemplify our brand promise, how can we share them?

All Purdue Global employees are invited to submit a story idea for the marketing team to possibly follow up on for news features, social media stories, etc. Share your story idea using the Purdue Global Story Submissions form. View recent Purdue Global stories for inspiration.

Our current Inquiry to Enroll timeframe is approximately 30 days.  As the campaign begins to funnel, what impact do you see on this metric?

We expect that we will see higher intent, more engaged prospective students who may ask more questions, do more research and may take longer to enroll compared to what we saw with our previous marketing strategy.  At the same time, many students may be ready to enroll right away.  Approaching each inquiry with the intent to learn and discover each person’s goals and where they are in terms of their readiness to enroll is the optimal approach with every engagement.

How is the new brand campaign differentiating Purdue Global from other online universities? 

Our new marketing strategy will build more brand awareness and create an emotional connection with our future students so that when they are ready to enroll, they want to come to Purdue Global.  Our brand is built on the following propositions that, in combination, differentiate us from other online institutions: we are built for working adults, we are an online university and we are part of Purdue University and backed by it.

As we talk about life experience, how do we offer that to people who don’t have actual credits to transfer?  

For more information, please visit: https://www.purdueglobal.edu/alternative-college-credits/work-life-experience/

How can we talk about Purdue Global in the context of the Purdue system?

See the image of the Purdue portfolio below.  Purdue Global is Purdue’s online university for working adults.  Purdue Global is part of the Purdue system and backed by Purdue.  It is a separate online university (different accreditation and faculty), built for working adults who have life experience and some college credit.