Audio and eBooks

Sora by Overdrive

To access Punahou's Sora selection, click here!

Now you can also borrow eBooks and audiobooks from our Hawaii State Public Library using your Punahou login!

How to add the public library on Sora:

You can use Sora to browse your public library and borrow books with your Punahou login.

Note: The type of account you have may limit the library books you see in Sora.

To add your library:
1. Click or tap the ☰
2. Select Add a public library.
3. Use the search box to find your library, then select This is my library. The library will open in the Explore tab.

To switch between libraries, select a library from the menu or from the drop-down at the top of the Explore tab.

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The research process is complex enough without students having to learn the ins and outs of different platforms with features that aren’t present from one to the next. Ebook Central brings content from virtually every publisher into one unified experience so students will quickly get — and stay — comfortable with how they discover and use ebook content.