Faculty & Staff Experience

Who: Employees engaged in Distance Learning or in supporting school business during Covid-19 response

Status: Pending

Digital Records

  • Canvas Academy Faculty Learning Lounge - Anything posted will automatically be archived (Mahalo IT!)

  • JS Learning Hub Sites - Anything posted will automatically be archived (Mahalo IT!)

  • Workplace - Pending confirmation of archiving capabilities

  • IT - Distance Learning workshops, Infotech WebEx blog

  • Google Drive - To be coordinated

  • iCloud - To be coordinated

  • Example records: Distance Learning Plans, Letters to Parents, etc.


3D items used as specific learning tools to create distance learning for students and each other

    • iPad + case

    • Earbuds

    • Laptop

3D items created during Covid-19 connected to curriculum, school resources

  • Masks

  • Face Shields

Future Access: Restricted