Teacher Recommended Books

Click on each book cover to borrow it online!  These titles are also available in the library.

The Mona Lisa Vanishes

by Nick Day
Common Sense Media Review

Gone Wolf

by Amber McBride
Common Sense Media Review

Darius the Great is Not Okay

by Adib Khorram
Common Sense Media Review


"A narrative nonfiction about how the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Lourve, how the robbery made the portrait the most famous artowrk in the world-and how the painting by Leonardo da Vinci should never have existed at all." - Provided by publisher


A twelve-year-old African American girl deals with fear, grief, pain and suffering caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and America's history of enslavement and racist violence.


Clinically-depressed Darius Kellner, a high school sophmore, travels to Iran to meet his grandparents, but it is their nextdoor neighbor, Sohrab, who changes his life. 

