Professional Development

Pulaski County Schools |

Professional Development - Frequently Asked Questions

April 2024
How many PD hours do I need in 2024-2025?
If you have a typical teacher contract, then you need 24 hours of professional development each year.  Six (6) of those hours are scheduled for you on our District PD Day (Aug 12).  Several of our schools also schedule a School PD Day, for another six (6) hours.  That leaves you with 12 or 18 hours of "Flexible Professional Development" for you to schedule with your department, with your school, with your principal, or on your own with principal pre-approval.

Would you explain my contract days, please?

Most teachers are contracted for 185 days.  Here's how they add up:
    - 170 Instructional Days
    - 5 Growth Days (G-Days)
    - 4 PD Days (24 hours): One district PD day (6 hours), one school PD day, two days (12 hours) of Flexible Professional Development
    - 4 Paid Holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year
    - 1 Opening Day
    - 1 Closing Day

Why are there so many different names for the programs we use?

This can be frustrating.  Several of the programs we've been using have changed names in the last few years.  VeriTime and Aesop were purchased by Frontline.  TeachPoint was purchased by Vector Solutions.  Veteran staff members often call them by their former names.
    - Frontline Time and Attendance (formerly VeriTime) - clocking in and out
    - Frontline Absence Management (formerly Aesop) - sick days and scheduling subs
    - Vector Solutions (formerly TeachPoint) - tracking professional development

I attended a PD on a Growth Day.  Why didn't I get PD credit?

You already got credit/paid for that time as a growth day - as part of your regular contract.  You can't "double-dip."    Teachers get paid for five Growth Days and 24 hours of PD. It's illegal for the district to pay you for working the Growth Day *and* credit you the hours for PD.

Do I need to clock in for Flexible Professional Development that I attend in the summer? 

No, but it won't hurt anything if you do.  Flexible Professional Development hours are tracked in Vector.  All other contracted days are tracked by clocking in and out with Frontline/VeriTime.

Why didn't I get credit for attending a district-organized PD session?

It's probably one of these reasons:

How do I get credit for participating in a district-organized make-up PD session?

For training that is organized by the school district, has been recorded, and made available for make-up PD Credit (if there are any):