Favorite Types of Chips  (From Surveys)

Hot Chips

The first question was what were people's favorite hot chips. Third place was Funyuns Hot Onion Rings, with 14.3% of the population choosing it. Then second place was Flamin' Hot Cheetos, with 29.5% of the population choosing it. Finally, first place was Takis with 50.9% of the population choosing it. 

Tortilla Chips

The next question was what were people's favorite tortilla chips. In third place was Santitas Tortilla chips, with 10.7% of the population choosing it. In second was "other" with 30.4% of the population choosing it. In first place was Tostitos Original, with 49.1% of the population choosing it.

Potato Chips

This next question was what were people's favorite potato chips. The category that was third was "other" with 6.3% of the population choosing it. In second place was Ruffles, with 42% of the population choosing it. Finally in first place goes to Lay's, with 46.4% of the population picking it.

Corn chips

This next question was what were people's favorite corn chips. Third most popular category was Chili Cheese Fritos, with 20.5% of the population choosing it. Second most chosen category was Original Fritos, with 26.8% of the population picking it. Finally, in first goes to "Other" with 32.1% of the population choosing it. 

Bean chips

The last question was what were people's favorite bean chips. Third goes to Beanitos White Bean, with 21.4% of the population picking it. Second goes to Beanitos Black Bean, with 30.4% of the population picking it. Finally in first was Tostitos Black Bean and Garlic, with 48.2% of the population choosing it.

Thanks to all the responses submitted from this survey; with 43 7th graders, 60 8th graders, and 9 staff members.  

By: Destiny R.