President:  Ron Oates

Secretary:  Debra Brannam

Treasurer:  Casey Jeffreys

Director:     Dave Underward

Director:  Jessica Spaid

The Placer Union High School District Educational Foundation (the "Foundation") is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation that was established for the specific purpose of benefitting the Placer Union High School District (the 'District") by supporting and enhancing the educational opportunities of District students through scholarships, awards, and other incentives. The primary way that the Foundation will enhance the educational opportunities of District students is by providing scholarships to high school students who are pursuing a college education or vocational training. Children often find themselves needing financial assistance in order to continue their education beyond high school. The District recognizes its obligation to support students beyond the K-12 educational experience and the Foundation will help meet that obligation. Scholarship awards will be based on a combination of factors, such as academic performance, citizenship, community involvement, and area of future study. Even in the best of financial times, the District's ability to adequately fund the educational needs of the classroom is challenging. 

Both regular and vocational education classes often require support in the form of materials, furniture, supplies, and technology that cannot be met by the District's regular general fund allocations. Additional ways that the Foundation will enhance the educational needs at existing District classrooms include supporting the following activities:  Program enhancement  Shop materials  Specialty items to support the comprehensive high school's career technical education programs  Development of enhanced learning through the use of technology, including new hardware and software applications and teacher training  Capital improvements  Instructional materials It is anticipated that the Foundation will support more District events and programs then are mentioned here. The Foundation offers a unique opportunity to develop a support program that will augment and increase the District's core educational experience. As other ideas and suggestions come forward, the Foundation will carefully consider their merits (i.e., whether they forward the Foundation's charitable purposes and do not give rise to private inurement/benefit) and select those ideas and suggestions that are appropriate for the Foundation to support.

January 18, 2022 Agenda

October 26, 2021 Agenda 

October 26, 2021 Approved Minutes 

February 16, 2021 Agenda

February 16, 2021 Approved Minutes

May 21, 2019 Agenda

May 21, 2019 Approved Minutes

Educational Foundation 2021