Research, Writing  and Documentation

Research Resources

Access to ProQuest Products for Off-Campus Use:

Archival and Text Documents Audio Video

 Features -Playlists Clip Making Live Transcript Citations 

Online encyclopedia from  with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images 

A  multidisciplinary periodical and digital media content site 


Features -Browsable Interface Clip Making Live Transcript Selectable Playback Speed Transcript/CC Translation 

Millions of articles from scholarly journals. 

Selected content for novice researchers.

Content organized by complex issues, for high school students and educators. 

Writing and Documentation Resources 

Check your work for plagiarism and turn in written assignments.

Concise cultural information on countries around the world. 

Free help for MLA works cited and parenthetical documentation.

Help for all types of writing.

 Help for finding, evaluating, and using information to write more effective papers. 

Resources for Teachers and Students on Books.