Electives You Can sign up for Next Year

Click on each elective to get more information

6th going into 7th Grade only

6th or 7th grade

6th or 7th grade

7th grade going to 8th Grade only

Some electives require you to apply.

You can't sign up for these yet 1) Leadership 2) Yearbook 3) P.E. / Office Aide

Follow the Instructions below to complete the application process.

1st: Get Two Core Teacher recommendations

1) Pick which electives you would like to apply for. (you only need two total teachers even if you apply for all electives)

2) Choose two Core teachers (ELA, Math, History, Science) who will give you a good recommendation.

3) Copy the Recommendation Form link - https://forms.gle/zj2qJE79rNqU1wNR7 to put in an email. (Teachers will complete this form)

4) Send an email with the link to to each teacher you would like to ask for a recommendation from.

*Note: Make sure to be professional when you request your recommendation. Teachers do not have to say yes or give you a positive recommendation.

An example email is given below.

2nd: Complete the Application

1) Click on & complete the application. ---------------->

*Note: Your application must be complete and turned in before you will be asked to sign up for your interviews.

Example Teacher Recommendation Email Request - ⬇

Click the down arrow to view - You can copy this text and edit it make it personal.

Dear (Teacher Name here),

I am applying for (_______) class next year. We are required to submit two references from teachers. I would appreciate it if you would consider completing the attached form as a reference for me.

Link to form here

Thank you, I appreciate your time.

(Your Name)

3rd: Wait for email and sign up for interview times

1) Check your email after spring break. If you have positive recommendations and a good application, you will get an email to sign up for interviews for the classes you applied for.

2) Sign up for a time and go to your interview if you qualify.