Full-Day Preschool Schedule

7:30-8:30 :Free play and arrival of most students (Blocks, Legos, dramatic play, puzzles, coloring, manipulatives, and books)

8:30-9:30 :Learning Centers  (Math, science, cutting, handwriting, and fine motor)

9:15-9:20 :Cleanup, hand washing, and prep for snack time

9:20-9:30 :Story time, Oral Name Recitation, and Spelling

9:30-10:00 :Pledge of Allegiance, Snack Time, and Alphabet practice

10:00-10:30 :Circle Time, Music, and Movement

10:30-11:30 :Outdoor Play (weather permitting)

11:00-11:10 :Prepare for lunch 

11:15-12:00 :Lunch

12:00-12:30 :Art and Handwriting Without Tears (two days a Week)

12:30-1:00 :Outdoor play

1:00-1:30 :Clean up, bathroom, and quiet reading

1:30-3:00 :Rest Time

3:00-3:30 :Wake up and Snack time

3:30-5:30 :Outdoor/ Indoor Play and pick up