
Here is a fun website to go to for computer coding games and a few fun coding apps your children can download at home


  1. (fun games at all levels for simple computer coding)


1. Swift Playgrounds

2. Kodable

3. Scratch Jr. (K-2)

4. Tynker (4th-5th)

5. Hopscotch (3rd-5th)

6. Cargo Bot

The Hour of Code is here!!! This is a week of really getting kids involved in coding games and solving simple puzzles using coding blocks. The hour of code will be December 4-10 and all classes will get to code using the website during my technology time. We are trying to get students excited about the possibility of a career as a computer programmer. We will have volunteers talking to the kids about web designing an other careers in the software industry. You can read more about it below on the flyer!!!

Here is a video to see what it is all about.....
