Dedicaciónes de Facultad y Personal

From: Mr. Estrada & Mrs. Perez

Thank you so much for a year of wonderful memories CCMS Scholars! We have enjoyed being part of your middle school journey as you have grown as scholars, performers, and individuals. Some of our favorite moments in the classroom include watching you share your opinions during Pop-Up Debates and Socratic Seminars. We are so proud of your ability to justify your ideas with evidence and articulate your perspective with clarity and cohesion. It was also fun to see you explore the world in science and test your engineering designs outside, from the rocket launches to the CO2 car races. Beyond the classroom, we loved watching you shine during the keyboarding/percussion recitals and dance performances. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished this year!

Besides growing as scholars, you have also demonstrated your positive character throughout the year. You have embraced the monthly character traits and served as “upstanders” for your peers. Your brilliant smiles, witty jokes, and caring hugs make CCMS a wonderful place. You have embodied empathy, optimism, and responsibility in all of your interactions with peers and staff, setting a high bar of excellence for CCMS.

From: Ms. Cardoza

Congratulations Class of 2020! I am so proud of all your hard work to get to where you are today. Best wishes in your journey through high school. Miss you all!