About Me

My name is Katy Rue and I am happy to be entering my 8th year as the a PTHS counselor! I am a 2000 graduate of Pine Tree. I completed my Bachelor's degree in 2004 at Texas A&M University, then came home to teach at PTJH. I taught math at the junior high for six years. I received my Master's degree in school counseling in 2012 from UT Tyler and have been here at PTHS ever since then.

Family is very important to me! I have been married to my husband, Charlie, for 15 years. We have a 10 year old son named Morgan. I also love spending time with my sisters, parents, in-laws and numerous nieces and nephews. We like to play games, play baseball, swim, fish and eat meals together.

My hope as a school counselor is to support students in becoming the best they can be at whatever they want to be!

What does a high school counselor do?