Grading Policies and Expectations

Physical Limitations & Medically Excused

Any student who has specific medical needs or limitations will be accommodated. We, as staff will work with the school nurse to create the safest and least restrictive environment possible for each student. Medical Notes are required from a physician to begin the process. Alternate PE assignments will be provided as necessary.

Physical Education Grading Rubric

PE Grade will be based on a combination of Participation, Preparation, Skills Testing & Written Assignments. Students are expected to change clothes daily and participate to the best of their ability during class.

Physical Education Class Expectations

Students should bring a combination lock to secure all of their personal belongings in their assigned locker during class. No personal technology should be brought to class unless directed to by the teacher. Appropriate clothing for the weather, and sneakers should be worn. No jewelry should be worn. Team rooms are not accessible during the school day therefore, PE clothes should be separate from practice clothes.