Term 4 is here! Nau mai haere mai!

Week 3 Show off our learning week!

Room 3 Maths and Literacy classes will have some rotations. Go to this page to see what Room 3 Literacy is doing on the different days.

Hauora, Social Sciences and Electives

Hauora will continue in boy and girl groupings

Hauora and Electives will touch on Social Sciences this week. Look forward to it!

Week 2 Tokelau Language Week

Room 3 Maths and Literacy classes will be meeting with Miss Tipene this week.

Have heaps of fun learning about Tokelau, it's beautiful people and culture. You will find we have a lot in common!

Hauora, Social Sciences and Electives

Hauora will continue in boy and girl groupings

Hauora and Electives will touch on Social Sciences this week. Look forward to it!

Week 1 Niue Language Week

Room 3 Maths and Literacy classes will be meeting with Miss Tipene this week.

Have heaps of fun learning about Niue, it's beautiful people and culture. You will find we have a lot in common!

Hauora, Social Sciences and Electives

Hauora will continue in boy and girl groupings

Hauora and Electives will touch on Social Sciences this week. Look forward to it!

Click on links below to extend your learning in reading, writing and maths

Week 10 26 - 30th September 2021

Week 10. Final week of Term 3.

Room 3 Maths and Literacy classes will be meeting with Miss Tipene this week.

Have heaps of fun learning about Tuvalu, it's beautiful people and culture. You will find we have a lot in common!

Manuia te aso (Have a good day Tuvalu style!)

Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori!

Maori Language Week has arrived.

Your literacy classes will have a special focus on Te Reo.

Click on the red and blue buttons above to access this weeks tasks.

Please complete our learning tasks for the week as set on our math pages.

Click on green title above for our maths page.

Week 7 6th - 10th September

This week for literacy we will be using this wonderful treasure box of Tongan Resources.

Malie malie Tonga!

Tonga Language Week 2021

Please complete our learning tasks for the week as set on our math pages.

Click on green title above for our maths page.

*Follow up activity on site please

*Remember your 30 minutes a day on math whizz

*sing/rap/dance timestables

Week 6 30th - 3rd September

Click on red title above to get to our reading page. Text sets will be linked there along with your learning tasks. One task per day.

Once you have your learning task on your blog. Please complete this weeks cyber challenge (button in banner above) Go here for some more fun reading!

Click on blue title above to get to our writing page. Do half hour daily independently. If time allows do up to 40 minutes. Proof reading and editing as you go.

You will have the chance to read this as a speech on Thursday.

Please complete our learning tasks for the week as set on our math pages.

Click on green title above for our maths page.

*Follow up activity on site please

*Remember your 30 minutes a day on math whizz

*sing/rap/dance timestables

Click on links below to extend your learning in reading, writing and maths

Week 5 23rd - 27th August

Click on red title above to get to our reading page. Text sets will be linked there along with your learning tasks. One task per day.

Once you have your learning task on your blog. Please complete this weeks cyber challenge (button in banner above) Go here for some more fun reading!

Click on blue title above to get to our writing page. Do half hour daily independently. If time allows do up to 40 minutes. Proof reading and editing as you go.

You will have the chance to read this as a speech on Thursday.

Please complete our learning tasks for the week as set on our math pages.

Click on green title above for our maths page.

*Follow up activity on site please

*Remember your 30 minutes a day on math whizz

*sing/rap/dance timestables

Attitude talks - WEdnesday 25th August


  1. Today we are learning about stress, anxiety and body hygiene.

  2. After your meet with your teacher, complete this activity.

  3. Make sure you share these slides with your teacher.

  4. Once completed, post this with your poster on your blog.

Attitude - Stress and Anxiety

Click on links below to extend your learning in reading, writing and maths

First complete the Cyber Smart Challenge.

Later - Go to your normal page for reading to continue with your learning tasks this week. Complete a couple of slides IF YOU HAVE TIME.

Once completed please remember to post on your blog.

Go here for some more fun reading!

First complete the Cyber Smart Challenge.

Go to our normal page to complete this week's writing task. Do half hour then stop on this as you'll need to help at home.

Remember to make good use of persuasive language!

We will meet and have our speeches continue!

Please complete our learning tasks for the week as set on our math pages.

*Follow up activity on site please

*Remember your 30 minutes a day on math whizz

*20 minutes on Xtra Maths

Reading Olympics

Notices for Term 3

  1. School starts back Monday 26th July 2021

  2. Trip to production at AGGS Tuesday 27th, bring your permission slip and koha

  3. Life Caravan lessons begin, 3 weeks (1 lesson per week)

  4. Garage Sale, Saturday of week 3 14th August

Notices for Term 2

  1. Year 8 camp in 3 weeks!

  2. PE shirts are compulsory (bring a mufti t-shirt if you are yet to purchase.

  3. Left over lunch always taken home

  4. Chromebooks charged daily

  5. Re-think, to remember all the little things that make the big work!

Term 3

Term 1Week 10: 8th April 2021

My Digital Life


  1. Make a copy of this slide.

  2. Complete the activities.

  3. Once finished, put it in your Turn It In page and blog it.

Week 8: 23rd March

Trip Around the World

Inquiry Activity - Trip Around the World:

  1. Make a copy of this slide AFTER your Google Meet with your teacher.

  2. Have conversations with your family members about where you would like to travel, they may have been there!

  3. Once finished, put it in your Turn It In page and blog it.

Week 5: 1st March - 5th March


Room 3 - Inquiry

  1. Make a copy of slides here

  2. Complete slides

  3. Make your slides visually appealing to your readers

  4. Post onto your blog!

Hi Room 3 Literacy & Maths Class!

Your work for week 5 will be found on Mrs Stone or Mrs Ilaoa's pages.

Check out where your group will be going and click on that teachers face for your learning this week.

If you are unsure, email Mrs Ilaoa


Friday 18 February

TeeJay, Taimana, Siosiua

  1. Read/Listen to this page about Eric Carle

  2. Do the quiz

2. If you haven't already make a copy of this slideshow. Use the information from the quiz and research online to complete the slideshow with some interesting facts about him

Post it on your blog then add the link to the URL on Turn It In

Who is… Eric Carle

Complete and post on your blog any reading activities you have not yet finished

Copy the link to the URL on Turn It In

Complete and post on your blog any writing you have not yet finished

Copy the link to the URL on Turn It In

Do Xtramath then complete any Maths tasks you haven't completed

Copy the link to the URL on Turn It In

Porowhita and Tapawha

Number Bonds 2

Thursday 18 February


  1. Open the slideshow and make a copy.

  2. Click on the correct quiz.

Read and complete

  1. Choose another activity from the slideshow to complete.

  2. Post on your blog and put the link to your post on Turn It In.

  3. Look at this clip on the bottom on using Personification. Copy the slideshow under the clip and complete then post.

Note: You can work on these slideshows over Tuesday and Wednesday

Personification - The Wave
The Wave


  1. Click on the link below to the Lockdown Special Challenge

  2. Make a copy of the slideshow

Work through the slides

  1. Embed on your blog.

  2. Put the link to your post on Turn It In

Note: You can work on these slideshows over Tuesday and Wednesday

Sentence Starters


  1. Practice Xtramath. Ms Squires will email you your login details.

  2. Open the slideshow and make a copy

  1. Answer the questions. Show the strategies you used to work them out.

  2. Post on your blog and put the link on Turn It In

(Note: this link is now the right one)

Note: There is an extra problem to solve in the bottom slideshow

You can work on these slideshows over Tuesday and Wednesday

Problem Solving

Extra for early finishers:

Solve the problem below.

3 Act Problems Dan Meyer

If you complete these tasks check you have completed the other tasks on the Turn It In spreadsheets.

For tasks you don't post on your blog, link the document. If you completed a task on paper add a tick or yes.

Miss West has also posted some challenges on the Creative Space blog you could have a go at too.

Week 1/2 Tasks

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Reading Links

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Reading

Read/listen to the article about Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Complete the quiz.

Complete your 2 pages of the jigsaw

Look through this presentation to see your art task for this week

Art Task Week 1/2

Thursday 18 February