Week 7 & 8 Literacy Planet

Literacy Planet

  1. Use your login as given by your teacher

  2. Complete tasks that have been set for you.

  3. Explore Intrepezine - read 3 articles a day

  4. Select one article to share about on your blog, see if you can persuade your audience to read the article you've selected!

Week 6 work-Poetry

Inferring - with poetry

Leap by Selina Powell (Monday)

I use key words to work out what the hidden meaning is.

Have a look over the poem and read the slides. Complete the exit ticket below to complete the task.

Exit ticket here

Poetry Recap!

Poetry Recap (rhyming schemes) (Tuesday)

Have a look over the poem and read the slides. Complete the exit ticket below to complete the task.

Exit ticket here

Copy of Contemporary Poetry

Contemporary Poetry (Thursday)

Have a look over the poem and read the slides. Complete the exit ticket below to complete the task.

Exit ticket here

Week 5 work-Poetry


This week we are learning to compare poems and answer questions with evidence from the text.

These two poems are about the environment and the way humans impact them.

We are heading into our new topic of poetry for the remainder of the year.

Make a copy of the document on the left and put it in your writing folder!

Follow the instructions on the slides and complete the 2 google forms to be in to win a prize! 2 completed forms is 2 entry's to the draw!

Complete the three level guide. Answer if the statement is True or False but don't forget to add evidence to why it is true of false.

Team 5 Week 3 & 4 Reading

Term four

Team 5 Week 1 Reading

Team 5 Week 1 Writing

This week you have 2 options;

  1. You can write an Explanation essay about why we are currently in lockdown. Pretend you're writing it to someone who has never heard of, or been in a lockdown. You can use the template below. Make sure to look through these slides for some helpful tips.

Explanation Writing HS
Explanation Writing

Or this -

  1. You can write a Diary Post to your viewers on your blog about what you have been up to in the holidays, talk about some special things you did with your family in the holidays.