Welcome to our Sport Site!  This is where you can find information about what sport we like to play at Pt. England School.

If you would to know more information, please feel free to contact Ms Sally Va'afusuaga sally@ptengland.school.nz, 021 268 7270

Sports Newsletter 28 May 2024

Sports news for the week is shared weekly on the school newsletter.  Here is the latest one in more detail.

PES Newsletter - Sports 28/05/24

Netball 2024

All of the netball newsletters are found on the 'Netball' page on this site.  Below is this week's copy.  Spare ones can be found in the 'Breeze'.

Netball Newsletter #9 Year 7 & 8 2024
Netball Newsletter #9 Year 1-6 2024

Sports Training this week

Please show up to training on time.  Training reminders will be on P.E.N.N.  Let your coach know if you cannot make it.  

Sports Training 2024

Sports Teams 2024

Check to see which team you are in.  Remember to return your permission slip to Ms Vaafusuaga's mailbox in the 'Breeze'.

Your parent or guardian can also email, call or text me: sally@ptengland.school.nz 021 268 7270

Sports Teams 2024
Term 2 Sports Calendar 2024

Sports Calendar 2024


TC = Tamaki Cluster

EZ = Eastern Zone Year 7 & 8

SE = Sports Exchange

IZ = Inter-zone (Auckland Champs)

S/D = save day

Copy of Motivation slides House Capt's

House Captains' Quote for the Week:

The motivational quote for this week is from author Maya Angelou

‘‘ Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ’’  

This means: You will never improve unless you put into action the new skills you have learnt.