Maori Language Week

Rāmere 17

Mōrena tamariki ātaahua! Happy Māori Language Week!

Today is Rāmere 17 Mahuru (Friday the 17th of September.) Here are a few reminders for today:

  • You are still learning but in the comforts of your home.

  • Please remind your Pt England Team 4 friends and neighbours to come to our our Meets

  • Be on time to your Google Meets: 9am, 11am and 1:30pm.

  • Team 5 and Mr Moran will be allowing us to join in with their google meet at 11am where you will get to hear from the incredible Tupou Neiufi - Remember your GM4GM and show up on time!

  • If there is something wrong with your Chromebook that is stopping you from learning, please let one of the Team 4 teachers know.

  • Reminder about our kōrero - Learn a new skill: What is something new you would like to learn this week team. 4? Challenge yourself to do something new! Also remember GM 4 GM (Good manners for Google Meets) & stay Cybersmart.

  • Important reminder: Monday is a non-contact day which means there will be options for work out could do but also enjoy the day with your Whānau and take time to be kind to yourself! Do the things that you enjoy on Monday - You are all superstars and are doing an amazing job tino pai team 4!


Introducing - Māori Waiata

WALT: become familiar with a new topic.

Stan Walker & Six60

My World - Stan Walker.mp4


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Write four facts about famous Māori musicians and artists.

  3. Use the checklist to make sure you are up to date.

Six60 Pepeha


4 Facts


* So you can check you're not missing anything



WALT: use our reading and research skills to gain a better understanding about a topic.



  1. Read the story

  2. Complete the 'Response to Text'

  3. Complete the Research Presentation

  4. Share these tasks on your blog, along with a blurb telling your audience what you have done.


Supported Task: Text

Supported Task: Response to Text

Sing along to the song/waita

Epic Class Code: bhy3409

Ask your teacher for Sunshine login code.

Ask your teacher for your login.



WALT: explain our ideas in our writing.


  1. Think about your culture. Why is it so important to celebrate it?

  2. Make a copy of the writing template.

  3. Complete the writing task for today.

  4. Post on your blog.



WALT: Finish it off properly!

Times Tables... Maths Rockx, One Direction and James Corden singing the 4x Tables!.mp4


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Practice your times tables.

  3. Complete a Bronze, Silver, Or Gold Activity. Challenge yourself!

  4. Complete XtraMath and Maths-Whizz.

  5. Remember to keep posting your progressions for Maths Whizz - keep working hard on it!


Design Task

KPE: Kanikani Pt England


  1. We're doing some KPE - Kanikani Pt England! Let's get our kanikani on.

  2. Make a copy of the template and try the different Māori dances.

  3. Post it to your blog.

Extra for Experts: Create both a sweet and savoury Paraoa Parai. Think about how much you might sell them for if you were running a stall at the Night Markets.



Chapter Book

The Seven Kites of Matariki

It is a special time of year. A time when the whispering wind blows warm from the east, and a crescent moon rises in the wintry night sky. Seven little sisters make kites with eyes of seashells to celebrate the New Year. But that playfulwind whips those kites away... Matariki is here!


Blogging Help



  1. If you need help with how to put things on your blog please watch this video.

  2. Then place your blog link into the checklist so your teacher can see you have finished.



Good Manners for Google Meets (GM4GM)

Watch the video to find out more about how we can have good manners during our Google Meets.

Good Manners for Good

Be Active & Focus On Your Learning

Watch the video to find out more about how we can stay active during lockdown, and find some tips about how we can stay focused on our work.

Be Active & Focus on your

Click on the image to take part in this weeks CyberSmart Challenge.

Click on the image to watch todays episode of PENN.


Physical Education

PE Resource W8

Physical Education Challenge

  1. Make a copy of these Slides.

  2. Record yourselves completing the challenge that has been laid down for you.

  3. Get the link for your Slides and put it into these Google Forms.