
We are now at alert Level 4.

School is now closed. We will continue with our learning online via remote learning.

Healthy Me, Healthy You.

Weds 18th

Kia ora and good morning Team 4. Today is Wednesday the 18th of August. We are now at alert level 4 in the Auckland Region, so that means that we’re back to online learning! But that’s ok because your wonderful teachers have created some neat learning tasks so that you can continue to learn, create and share.

For the rest of the week you will be learning more about the Tokyo Olympics. Try your best to complete as many tasks as you can. Post your learning on your blog. The first Google Meet will be held at 11am today. The last Google meet will be held at 1pm today. Tomorrow you will have a Google meet at 9am. Use the links on the Team 4 site to join your class Google Meet. Please email your teacher if you have any questions.

Take care and see you again soon.