We are now at alert Level 1.

Monday 22nd March 2021

Wk 8 Mon Intro 2.mp4

School is open for everyone to attend for learning. We look forward to seeing you all back at school for your learning!

Camp Week!

This week on Wednesday we have our Year 5&6 Camp at our school. Are you ready for camp? Remember to bring your packed camp bag to school tomorrow and your packet of biscuits. Today you will be learning all about the importance of setting a SMART Goal. Setting achievable goals is an important part of learning. Setting goals can help you to achieve your dreams. What are your goals this year?

The importance of setting goals.

Why Setting Goals is Crucial.mp4


Introducing - Goal Setting

WALT: Understand and explain what a SMART Goal is.

How to Set SMART Goals Goal Setting for Students.mp4


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Make a copy of the 5 Facts Task

  3. Show the 5 parts of setting up a SMART Goal

  4. Use the checklist to make sure you are up to date.


5 Facts


* So you can check you're not missing anything



WALT: find key information in the text.

Setting Goals.mp4


  1. Read the Text

  2. Make a copy and complete the "Response to Text" task.

  3. Make a copy and complete the "Research Presentation"

  4. Share both of these on your blog.

Supported Reading

Word Work



WALT: write an imaginary story using descriptive word to bring our story to life.

Writing T1 W8 - Monday: Goal Setting


  1. Read through the slides carefully

  2. Make a copy of the slides, and complete them.

  3. Edit and proof-read.

  4. Add it to your blog



WALT: Use a range of strategies to work out addition and subtraction problems.


The Fact Family Song.mp4


  1. Practice your times tables.

  2. Complete the activities, they are ranked bronze, silver, gold & platinum.

  3. Complete XtraMath and Maths-Whizz


Design Task


  1. Make a copy of the Google Drawing

  2. Watch the video, read through the instructions, and give it a go!

  3. Post it to your blog



Chapter Book

By J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Chapter 17

By J.K Rowling


Cybersmart Challenge

Mrs Grant and Mr Goodwin have created the cybersmart challenge! Here you can access and complete the challenges from their blog. Make sure to read all of the instructions carefully. Check out the challenges!


PENN (Pt England News Network)

Watch the latest PENN episode created by Miss West and the school media team.

Room 6 Digital Noho

Room 6 will be taking part in their Digital Noho today. It is important that we try our best to do what we can to be a part of of this event. This is so that we know what to do if we happen to go back into a Level 3 or 4 lockdown.


  1. Click on the Google Meets link at 4:30pm (March 22nd).

  2. Take part in the Google Meets and listen to the instructions for your task.

  3. Make a copy of the template and complete it.

  4. Upload it to your blog