Morning Intro

9 - 9.15

Catch up

1 - 1.15

Year 5 & 6 extension

11 - 11:15

Tuesday Intro - Wk

Morning Intro

9 - 9.15

Catch up

1 - 1.15

Pasifika Culture

Today we are going to be looking at aspects of Pasifika culture. We will look at some of the cultural aspects such as food, customs, myths and legends.

Check out all of the learning below! Pro tip: start with the four facts task to help you understand more about todays topic and to help you get started thinking about Pasifika culture.


Introducing - Pasifika Culture

WALT: become familiar with a new topic.

Youtube Video

Pasifika people were the first great travellers, exploring many thousands of kilometres across the Pacific Ocean. These travels help to explain some of the similarities, and differences across the different Pasifika cultures.

But how did they get there in the first place?!


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Make a copy of the 4 Facts Task

  3. Write four facts about Pasifika Navigation.

  4. Use the checklist to make sure you are up to date.


4 Facts


* So you can check you're not missing anything



WALT: find key information in the text.

The Sons of Ma'afu.mp3


  1. Read "The Sons of Ma'afu" along with the audio.

  2. Make a copy and complete the 'Response to Text' task.

  3. Make a copy and complete the "Research Presentation"

  4. Share both of these on your blog.

Supported Reading

Tuesday Supported Reading: Fill in the blanks

Supported Response to Text



WALT: use adjectives to make our writing more interesting.


  1. Choose on of the videos on Pasifika Options and watch it.

  2. Make a copy of the writing template and complete it.

  3. Edit and proof-read.

  4. Add it to your blog, do not embed!



WALT: Count to 10 in a Pasifika language. Use a range of strategies to work out addition and subtraction problems.


Numbers and greetings in


  1. Practice your times tables.

  2. Complete the activities, they are ranked gold, sliver and bronze.

  3. Complete XtraMath and Maths-Whizz


Design Task


  1. Make a copy of the Google Drawing

  2. Read through the instructions, and give it a go!

  3. Post it to your blog



Chapter Book

By J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Chapter 8

By J.K Rowling

Or if you would like to get moving around, watch this!


Cybersmart Challenge

Mrs Grant and Mr Goodwin have created the cybersmart challenge! Here you can access and complete the challenges from their blog. Make sure to read all of the instructions carefully. Complete challenge 3 today!


PENN (Pt England News Network)

Watch the latest PENN episode created by Ms West and the school media team.