Morning Intro

9 - 9.15

Catch up

1 - 1.15

Friday -

Try not to laugh at funny Mr Hughes looks in these thumbnails!

Morning Intro

9 - 9.15

Catch up

1 - 1.15

Fun day Friday!

We made it to Friday! Well done to all of you for completing your remote learning this week all of your teachers are very proud of you! Today things are going to be a little bit different where you get to pick a culture or country to research yourself. Thats right you get to pick any country that you like to research! This can be your own culture or one that you really want to research! Make sure you check out all of the learning below to help you with todays learning.


Introducing - Your Culture!

WALT: become familiar with a new topic.

Research Project

Teach the Teachers - Culture

SIDE NOTE: If you want to choose New Zealand as your country, part of this task asks you to use Google Translate. Since you won't need it to translate English, try think of the most Kiwi way of saying those things! Chur bro.


  1. Read through the Research Task slides carefully.

  2. Make a copy of the Research Task

  3. Complete your research, and fill in the slides

  4. Post your finished Research Task to your blogs!

  5. Use the checklist to make sure you are up to date.


Research Task


* So you can check you're not missing anything



WALT: find key information in the text.


  1. Make a copy of the reading presentation.

  2. Reread the stories from this week.

  3. Complete the task.

  4. Share both of this on your blog.


Reading Task

Note: Make sure to delete slide two in the presentation before posting on your blog!

Supported Reading

Friday - Supported Reading: Fill in the blanks

Supported Response to Text



WALT: use adjectives to make our writing more interesting.


  1. You have already chosen your country for the day.

  2. Make a copy of the writing template (you will find the right template on the slides) and complete it.

  3. Edit and proof-read.

  4. Add it to your blog, do not embed!



Fun Friday Maths!


Hip-Hop Math Dance Full Video.mp4


  1. Practice your times tables.

  2. Click on 'Fun Friday Maths'

  3. Don't forget that you can pick another maths task from during the week to finish it off properly.

  4. Complete XtraMath and Maths-Whizz


Design Task


  1. Make a copy of the Google Drawing

  2. Read through the instructions, and give it a go!

  3. Post it to your blog


Chapter Book

By J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Chapter 11

By J.K Rowling

Or if you would like to get moving around, watch this!


Cybersmart Challenge

Mrs Grant and Mr Goodwin have created the cybersmart challenge! Here you can access and complete the challenges from their blog. Make sure to read all of the instructions carefully. Complete one of the challenges today!

Watch our school assembly LIVE today from our school website at 10:30am