Don't forget to check out the Manaiakalani cybersmart challenge. Click on the link to see what Mrs Grant and Mr Goodwin are challenging you to learn this week!

Look below for this week's cybersmart learning.

Manaiakalani Film Festival is online Wednesday 10th November @ 9:30am

Blog Comments: Be Positive, Be Specific

choose an element of the film that you liked or were impressed by.

Term 3: Smart Relationships

Week 3 : We are learning how to write thoughtful comments

Deborah ad Saski were two of the Summer Learning Journey winners for 'Your Comments Count' in the Summer Learning Journey.

We took some time to explore the blog comments and identified what might help us to write thoughtful comments. Our ideas included:

Sharing something similar. This also shows we have read the blog post.

The word lists below can be helpful when you are writing comments.

Look here for sentence starters and positive words to include in your comment.

Explore the comments on their blogs for some examples to help you create quality comments.

Write and post your quality comments on the blog then submit here.

Week 1 and 2: We know how to share positively online

Week 9: What does our digital footprint look like?

Week 8: We are creating and sharing a customised map about a place in our local community.

Learn: Watch the video and learn how to start a project and add place marks, lines, photos

Create: Plan a trip around Aotearoa.

  • Choose at least 5 locations to visit.

  • Open Google Earth and create a New Project

  • Add the locations and photos of the places you will visit to your Google Earth Project

Share: Embed your Google Earth project on your blog.

Next week you will record a screencast describing your journey to share on your blog.

Watch: Screencastify Help

Week 3: We are using Google Maps to organise information to share on our blog

1. Create a Map.mp4
2. Open a map you’ve already created in My Maps.mp4


  • Plan a trip around Aotearoa.

  • Choose five locations you would like to visit.

  • Create a Map and drop pins on the locations.

  • Insert an image for each location


  • Embed the map of your journey on your blog.

  • Write under your map which place you would like to visit the most and why.

Week 2: We are making smart decisions about what information about ourselves we are sharing on our blogs.

Week 1: Cybersmart Review - a review of what it means to be a Smart Learner.