Voices of NCSE 2020

The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) is celebrating its 30th year as an organization in 2020 by revisiting the theme of its very first conference - Science in Environmental Decision-Making.

To capture the current thinking, knowledge, perspectives, and plans to move forward, interviews were conducted with presenters and attendees at NCSE 2020, held in Washington DC. Click on the "Podcasts" menu to hear the voices of students, scientists, decision-makers, industry leaders, and subject-matter experts, sharing the connections between science and policymaking for a resilient and sustainable Planet Earth.

The following list details the audio files created from interviews at NCSE 2020

Episode Zero - describes the purpose of this mini-podcast collection and introduces listeners to the student producers

Highlights from NCSE 2020

Research Spotlights - content of meeting presentations, shared by the presenters in their own voices

Beyond the Voices - short audio highlights (~5 minutes each) as interesting, supportive stories from members of the NCSE Board of Directors

  • Kareen Ahmed, on environmental decision-making in developed and developing countries
  • James Buizer, on how science and environmental decision-making has changed in the 20 years since the first NCSE Conference
  • Valerie Luzadis, on where she sees NCSE moving forward from this meeting
  • Valerie Luzadis, on the importance of intergenerational collaboration
  • Anthony Michaels, on how businesses are able to promote science
  • Frank Sesno, on his personal journey into storytelling