Jenny Chen

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Anthropology and Climate Science Program. In 2018, I graduated from the University of California, Davis with BA degrees in Evolutionary Anthropology and English. My research involves using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to look at prehistoric human diets on the Andean Altiplano. More recent research involves serial sectioning human teeth, specifically first molars, to look at breastfeeding and weaning times in prehistoric forager societies in the high Andes before agriculture and the domestication of important food sources like camelids and tubers. I am also deeply interested in mentoring undergraduates interested in pursuing the anthropological sciences and have formed the Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Program (GUMP). If you are interested in discussing research or mentorship, e-mail me at

2018 Excavations

Aymara Woman with Camelid

Michael Yackson, the Peruvian field dog!