Academic Honesty Policy

Graciela Garcia Elementary School PYP-Academic Honesty Policy

At Graciela Garcia Elementary, we believe that modeling, teaching, and practicing academic honesty is essential to preparing our students for their academic and professional careers. Even more importantly, practicing academic honesty with our students supports their development as young men and women who act with integrity and honesty and take responsibility for their own actions. Garcia's Academic Honesty policy is framed by the IB Learner Profile, most specifically, our students’ goals to be inquirers, knowledgeable and principled.

IB defines academic honesty as “a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment.” Academic honesty is acknowledging responsibility for the production of students’ own work, recognition of the work of others, and maintaining honor and trust in the learning environments of our schools. We believe that in order to achieve this, it is important that we focus on educating our students to be principled, to recognize and celebrate authentic student work, and to take pride in promoting student learning through inquiry which includes responsible use of information and communication of original work.

The Academic Honesty Policy is designed to define and clarify the expectations associated with the submission of authentic work. It provides staff, students, parents, counselors, and administrators with a common understanding of academic misconduct, define the responsibilities of all parties in preventing academic misconduct, and encourage principled behavior in the learning environment of our schools.

In order to understand appropriate academic honesty practice, it is important to clarify behavior that can lead to an unfair advantage in academic work, hereby referred to as “academic misconduct.”


Academic misconduct includes:

Plagiarism: “The representation, intentionally or unwittingly, of the ideas, words or work of another person without proper, clear and explicit acknowledgment.”

Examples of Plagiarism:

Any representation of others’ work as your own

● Non-original work that is not cited and appropriately referenced in submissions

Copying information from a book or a website

Misuse of quotation marks, paraphrasing, and in text citations which makes authorship unclear

● Failure to identify the source of elements of nonverbal work (ie. painting, dance, photo, proof, musical composition, etc) that you’ve derived your work from

● Using online language translators unless explicitly allowed

Collusion: “Supporting academic misconduct by another student, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another.”

Examples of Collusion:

● Helping someone else cheat both deliberately and through support.

Allowing your work to be copied and/or submitted by another student.

● Divide and conquer approach where you are not the author of the entire assignment given by the instructor (if not part of assignment).

● Representing significantly unequal work as an equal collaboration.

● Writing a paper or doing homework for another student, both at the time as well as sharing completed work with students who take a course in the future.

Sharing information about assessment content and questions with other students.

Collusion is to be contrasted with collaboration, which we define as “multiple students actively engaged during the course as well as in the creation of a product per the assignment guidelines.” It is important to note that teachers must be clear with assignment guidelines to specify what is collaboration versus collusion on any given task.

Duplication of Work: the presentation of the same work for different assessment components

Unfair Practice: Any other behaviour that gives an unfair advantage to a student or that affects the results of another student.

Examples of unfair practice:

Falsifying records

Falsifying data

Sharing passwords, using unauthorized material

Disclosing information about assessments

● Altering grades

● Phony citation

● Impersonating another person

Misconduct during testing times

It is the understanding of all school personnel that when a student puts his or her name on any assignment, they are submitting it as their own and acknowledging original ownership.

Roles and Responsibility in Supporting Academic Honesty

Faculty (including teachers, Student Support services team, administration and support personnel):

Communicate appropriate collaboration versus collusion with each assignment.

Teach a recognized citation convention for written and non-written works.

Demonstrate and model academic honesty in presentations, etc.

● Report and record academic dishonesty through a referral and school notes.

● Assure that students in their class understand that when they submit a task as their own, they are representing that have not received nor given aid on assignments or assessments. Teachers can opt to ask students to use their signature to explicitly assure this point if needed.

Minimize temptation for academic misconduct in assignments/assessment situations.

● Communicate with students, parents, counselors, administrators, about concerns and academic misconduct offenses.

Involve students in reflection/discussion in the instance of academic misconduct.


● Confirm understanding of academic honesty with signature on Academic Honesty Parent/Student Agreement each year.

Report academic misconduct violations to a trusted school employee.

● Strive to produce authentic work.

Understand that putting his/her name on an assignment certifies it as his/her own work, cited appropriately.

Minimize academic misconduct temptation by balancing time appropriately.

● If an incident of academic misconduct occurs, either intentional or unintentional, complete a reflection process with the teacher.

Understand proper citation expectations for assignments (MLA)

● Ask for guidance when unsure.


Support academic honesty policy and investigate all counselor/teacher reports of academic misconduct.

Ensure that all staff, students and parents understand definitions, responsibilities, and repercussions.

Ensure the academic honesty policy is applied consistently throughout the school.

● Provide staff development and guidance on academic writing and referencing systems that are available.

Provide teachers with material to guide students in maintaining academic honesty.

● Investigate academic misconduct when necessary.

Make parent and student contact to reflect on academic misconduct incidents.

Parents, guardians, and/or outside support:

Read and sign the Academic Honesty Parent/Student Agreement.

Encourage child to practice academic honesty.

● Encourage child to cultivate a culture of academic honesty at home and in school.

● Address concerns of academic misconduct/academic misconduct with their child and school personnel if necessary.

Monitor hired tutors to assure authentic student work.

Preventing Academic Misconduct

In order to prevent academic misconduct, Garcia Elementary School promotes good practice by teaching students the skills necessary to be academically honest. This will be accomplished through direct teaching and coaching, specifically in the communication and research skills found in the Approaches to Learning. Students that complete projects that require research will be taught to cite their work and acknowledge sources as they complete projects. Students will be guided when working collaboratively so that all members of a group work equally and so that conflicts can be resolved when they arise.


When academic misconduct occurs, incidents will be addressed by the teacher with the student. When appropriate, the Head of the school will become involved and the incident will be reported to parents, and other administrators. Age-appropriate consequences will be administered within Garcia's discipline policy, based on frequency and recurrence of the violation.

Communication Plan

Graciela Garcia's Honesty Policy will be published on the school website and in the Student Handbook. It will be discussed with PYP students and parents early in the school year and referred to often throughout the school year when opportunity arises.

Review of the Academic Honesty Policy

This policy will be reviewed and updated annually by the Graciela Garcia Elementary Head of School, PYP Coach, Pedagogical Team and school administration.


PYP From Principles to Practice International Baccalaureate Organization.

Academic Honesty in the IB educational context (2014)

Last updated: Novemeber 1, 2021

Sinapuelas PSJA Copyright and Fair Use Guidlines