diversity, equity, inclusion & Belonging

Harvard Public School District ❖ Harvard, Massachusetts


Vision Statement

We commit to providing a high quality education centered around
dynamic learning and personal well-being in a community where everyone can find belonging.

Core Value Statements 

Engage in Learning with Courage 

Promote Balance and Well-Being

Cultivate an Equitable, Just & Inclusive School Culture 

Value Individuals and Relationships

Partner with Community


We affirm in our actions that each student can and shall learn. We recognize that based on factors including but not limited to ability, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, and gender identity, students’ educational opportunities can be inequitable. Educational equity is the intentional allocation of resources, instruction, and opportunities, requiring that discriminatory practices, prejudices, and beliefs be identified and eradicated. We support the educators employed in our district to carry out this essential work.


With deep respect, we formally acknowledge that the land we work, learn, and gather on was originally inhabited by the Indigenous people of the Nipmuc tribal nation. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide, slavery, and being forced onto reservations. We hope this small gesture helps to honor the Nipmuc people and the ongoing connection they have with the land. The Nipmuc Nation Tribal Council is located at 25 Main Street, South Grafton, Massachusetts (Nipmuc Nation website).

DEIB  in  Massachusetts Education

DEIB  In  U.S.  Department  of  Education