
Call for Paper

The conference is aiming at facilitating the exchange of ideas and developments in all aspects of Electrical, Electronics & Computer Science topics. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that this conference will result in a significant contribution to the knowledge in these up-to-date scientific fields. The organizing committee of the conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to IC(SEC)2 - 2024. 

All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in IEEE Xplore (Scopus Indexed).

 Prospective authors are invited to submit original unpublished articles written in English only through the Electronic Submission System, with up to six pages of technical content including figures, tables, and references. The paper should be prepared according to the IEEE Paper Template.

 Manuscript Submission 

We welcome articles reporting novel and unpublished results of conceptual, creative, experimental, and theoretical work or study in any of the topic areas mentioned in Call For Papers.  Authors are invited to submit the original manuscript in pdf or doc/docx format as per IEEE Manuscript Template. kindly use the following link to submit.

CLICK HERE for IEEE Template.

All articles will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind manner. Relevancy, research technique, ethical conduct, language standard, result presentation, proficiency, format, and a variety of other aspects are all taken into account throughout the process of assessment. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and similarity checks.

Based on the reviewers’ recommendation and careful consideration by the Program Committee Chair, the manuscripts will be shortlisted for the conference and the decision on acceptance of the paper will be communicated to the authors. The authors of shortlisted manuscripts will be required to submit the camera ready copy in the required format incorporating all the suggestions given by the reviewers. Please note that no submissions will be entertained beyond the deadline.