Welcome to the Pond Springs PTA Website -
Proudly Supporting Pond Springs Elementary

  • Who are Watch D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students)?

WATCH D.O.G.S.® is a national initiative founded in 1998 to inspire more positive male role models to show all students by our participation that education is important.  The program has been launched on over 8000 campuses through collaboration between school administrators and local communities across 47 States in the U.S. and four countries worldwide, representing millions of volunteer shifts by parents, guardians and community members.

Whats the ask?

1 day a year. Take 1 day off work this year to volunteer at the school.  The day is full of fun and high-fives, and it leaves a lasting impression on all of the students.  For your day, you will have an agenda with classroom visits, sometimes science labs assisting, among other tasks.

Sold! How do you sign-up?

First, register as an RRISD Volunteer.  This MUST be renewed every year, if you did it last year, please do it again!  

Second, sign-up for PSE WatchDOGS.  Use this form and we will be in touch!

Third, pick your day!  Click here to reserve your day.  Sign up now while you get all of the paperwork in order! 

Not required but I do ask, become a member of the PTA.  PTA membership dues are $12.75 per adult and $7.25 per student. We are affiliated with Texas PTA and National PTA. A portion of our dues go to these entities.

There are 3 ways to join this year:

Check out the following links to learn more about: