Webber Tennis

Please complete the following ASAP.

Players - Please complete this survey to tell me a little about yourself.

Tennis Player Survey

Varsity Tryouts 2021

The Official Season starts on August 16th. These practices are mandatory. Players must have registered on www.psdathletics.org, paid their athletic fee and submitted their physical before being allowed to participate.

Varsity tryouts will last until August 27th from 3:15 pm to 5:00 pm. During Varsity tryouts some days will be for everyone, some days will be Boys only, and some days will be Girls only. Please see the Calendar tab above.

Pre-Season Tennis Camp 2021

Pre-Season camp will run from August 10th to August 12th from 3:30pm to 5:00 pm. This camp is optional, but strongly recommended for new players and returning players that have not been playing all summer. Players can come to any or all of the camp days. In order to participate you must submit a physical to the office and register for tennis at www.psdathletics.org. You do not have to pay your athletics fee yet.

Spirit Pack 2021

Anyone that would like to order Webber Tennis Spirit gear can now do so. To order just go to https://garretsons.itemorder.com and use the code WMSTENNIS19. It is not required to order anything, but is a fun way to represent your school. The shop closes on August 26th at 11:59pm. We won't be able to extend the deadline so order early.