Julie Flemister's Counselor Learning Page
Counselor Message
My name is Mrs. Flemister and I am here to help if you need someone to talk to. Email me and I will find a day and time to talk. I have a number of resources on my Learning Page so check it out!
7 Ways to Help with Stress
Physical Activity
Know your support system
Breathe - do some deep breathing
Laugh - humor is a great way to relieve stress
Hug a loved one
Cry if you need to and get it out of your system
Be creative - bake, paint, build, etc.
5 Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood
Eat healthy!
Vitamin D - get some sunlight!
Connect with someone - parent, grandparent, friend, or whoever you feel comfortable.
Happy thoughts or memories. Think of things, people and/or places that make you happy.
You got to move it, move it. Do an activity you like, that gets you moving.
Jay Shetty
Try affirming your student on the following traits rather than being "smart" or other general behaviors:
Creativity Curiosity Judgment Perspective Bravery Perseverance
Zest Honesty Social Intelligence Kindness Love Self- Regulation
Fairness Teamwork Forgiveness Gratitude Spirituality Love of Learning
Humility Leadership Prudence Hope Humor Appreciation of Nature
Counseling Links
PSD Elementary Counseling Resources https://sites.google.com/psdschools.org/psd-elementary-counseling/home
Counselor Website
This site has resources on:
Positive Thoughts and Affirmations
Elementary Counseling Resources
Getting Unstuck - how to empower your child when they struggle
Growth mindset poses
My Blog for Counseling and Parenting Tips
Check out my new blog about parenting and counselorisms - tools for life skills and positive parenting