9th Grade Seminar

Period 3 ------- 12:53 - 2:23

Welcome to our fun & fantastic 9th Grade Seminar Home Page. All of our information can be found on Google Classroom. Some additional links are below. Google Classroom Code:

Questions? Email your instructor: jweissma@psdschools.org

“Today, climbing has shown me a courageous, strong side of myself, a beautiful bravery. Other days I’ve seen pitiful weakness. I’ve watched myself crawl, belly-flat, across a mountainous landscape of fear. Climbing has shown me that I am all of these things: strong and weak, brave and cowardly, both immune to and at the mercy of the fear of death, all at the same time. Risk is the fee to learn these lessons. The cost is not negotiable. It is a price that, for now, I pay gladly.”

- Steve House, Mountaineer