Kinard Technology

Tim McGonagil

Room #510/511

ph# 970-488-5467

22/23 school year

Welcome back!

It has been an interesting year or so, but it has not slowed down the Team TechKin department at Kinard! We have continued learning in the classroom, excelling in Lego Robotics team and also making and selling cool items for our Entrepreneurship program. I want to welcome Mr. Lardner to the Tech department this year. He will be teaching 7th grade tech classes.

In an attempt to streamline the amount of E-comm that comes your way, we are providing a site with "one-stop" links for all the teacher learning sites and classrooms. This is called our 'Common Learning Page". You will all get links to this from our Kinard main page.

I have organized this site with Tabs above for all the different content that I teach. Click the tab that corresponds to the class or club you want to find all the information you need.

As always, learning goes both ways! I am quite certain that I will learn as much (or more!) from you as you will learn from me.

Let's make the 22/23 school year as amazing as we can!

Mr. McGonagil

If you need my One-on-One help, send me an email and we can schedule a time to create a Google Doc and chat together to solve the problem.

The Design Cycle

We will start every project with a problem. Decide where on the Design Cycle you need to begin solving the problem and then dive in