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Tavelli Science and Engineering with Mrs. Musante

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Hello Tavelli Students and Families, [Updated 8/22/22]

My name is Lisa Musante and I am so happy to be your Sci/Eng Lab teacher. This is my 11th year at Tavelli. I am excited to begin our year-long adventure! Our website is organized so most info and links can be accessed from this one easy-to-navigate spot. Help your classmates learn and explore as much as we can. Our journey is going to be amazing and memorable! Remember to teach your lab learning to your family!

Questions: Please email me [see above]. Let's share science and engineering discoveries with classmates!

Alka-Seltzer Rockets

Watch this video, The Science Behind Alka-Seltzer Rockets, to understand why the film canister launches. Remember to wear safety glasses, sunglasses, or step back to protect your eyes and face.

Alka-Seltzer or the generic version can be purchased at a Pharmacy for a few dollars. Since it is a medicine, adult supervision is recommended.

See-through Film Canisters with tight sealing lids can be purchased online or at local stores. Seeing the reaction is part of the fun! Have fun and stay curious!

How to Make Mystery Goo

Supplies Needed: Per student, Ziplock bag, 1 cup glue mixture, 1/2 cup borax solution, paper plate.

1] To make the glue mixture: In a mixing bowl, combine equal amounts of glue and water.

2] To make the borax solution: In another mixing bowl, mix 8 teaspoons borax powder with 4 cups warm water. Okay if the borax powder doesn't dissolve completely.

3] Into a Ziplock bag, pour in the 1/2 cup of borax solution and full cup of glue mixture. Zip the baggie closed tightly.

4] Mix by kneading your baggie, DO NOT SHAKE, for THREE minutes. When the Goo is NOT stuck to the inside of the baggie, you are finished kneading.

5] Turn the baggie inside-out and peel the goo off onto a paper plate.

6] ALWAYS store your GOO in a Ziploc bag to keep it from drying out. It is your to keep! Have fun and stay curious!

Remote Learning: SciShow Kids - SPRING has SPRUNG!

Learning Targets: The Biggest Flower in the World!, Why Daffodils Grow in the Same Place Every Year, Flowers and Their Pollinators: A Perfect Match!, Worms Are Wonderful, What's It Like to Live Underground?

Success Criteria: I can watch and wonder how plants and animals help each other.


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