Student resources

The National Homework Hotline for the Blind & Visually Impaired Students

All About The National Homework Hotline For Blind And Visually Impaired


In response to recent school closures, VISTAS Education Partners (based out

of New Jersey) has started a free resource called the National Homework

Hotline for blind and visually impaired students to receive support and help

with accessing classroom materials during this time. I am super excited to

be one of the volunteers for this hotline as well, and today will be sharing

information all about the National Homework Hotline for blind and visually

impaired students, as well as sharing some of my favorite virtual resources

that can benefit students.

Who is this for?

The National Homework Hotline is for students of all ages, from kindergarten

through college, that are blind, have low vision, or have some form of

visual impairment that need assistance with assignments or using assistive

technology to make things accessible.

Related links

What exactly is the National Homework Hotline?

The National Homework Hotline is a free resource for students that are blind

or visually impaired that need assistance with using assistive technology or

with their coursework during school closures. The hotline is staffed by

volunteers including TVIs, assistive technology specialists, tutors,

blind/low vision mentors, STEM professionals, and college students. People

can contact the hotline through email by sending a message with their

student’s first name, grade, a specific description of the help they need,

and a phone number they can be reached at, or by calling 732-835-6672 and

leaving a message with the same information.

Related links

When will it be available?

The hotline is currently available now and will be available through April

20th, though this is likely to be extended as more states are expected to

announce extended school closures and the number of volunteers increases.

Callbacks for messages on the hotline take place from 12 PM to 8 PM eastern

standard time, Monday through Friday. While the exact length of calls may

vary, most calls typically last about 30 minutes. This post will be updated

if the hours change in the future.

Related links

Where can the National Homework Hotline be helpful for me?

The National Homework Hotline is able to help with a variety of topics,

including but not limited to:

* Using screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and similar tools

* Using screen magnification tools

* Accessibility settings and app recommendations for completing


* Help with using Microsoft and Google products for education

* Nemeth and literary Braille

* Cranmer abacus

* Refreshable Braille displays

* Core curriculum subjects (math, English/language arts, science,

history/social studies)

Related links

Why should I use it?

Blind and visually impaired students who are having trouble adjusting to

virtual/distance learning can benefit from the resources provided by the

National Homework Hotline, especially if they currently have limited/no

access to their teacher of the visually impaired, assistive technology

specialist, or other support staff they would traditionally have in the

classroom or school environment. I know from experience that it can be

challenging to learn new technology and new material in the classroom at the

same time, and that it’s easy to fall behind in class if the student is

being presented with inaccessible materials.

Many of the volunteers on the hotline are also blind or have low vision, so

they have firsthand experience of what it’s like to use screen magnification

for algebra 2 or how to use a Braille display to read a paper for English.

They can also share additional free resources for people that are looking

for assistance with assistive technology or with other educational topics.

Related links

How do I volunteer for the National Homework Hotline?

The National Homework Hotline is currently accepting visually impaired and

sighted volunteers that would be available for at least one 90 minute shift

a week to answer phone calls and other messages. People who are interested

in becoming a volunteer can fill out the form linked below, and someone from

the group will contact you with more information after reviewing your


Related links

Final thoughts

I am so grateful that the National Homework Hotline resource has been made

available for blind and visually impaired students who are learning more

about how to use their assistive technology and how to create their own

accessible materials, two skills that are highly valuable when preparing for

transition. I highly recommend taking advantage of this free resource during

this time of extended school closures, and I hope that the National Homework

Hotline is helpful for others!

David Goldfield

Assistive Technology Specialist