PE with Mr. Backes

Directory Information

Job Position: PE Teacher

Phone Number: 970-488-8448

Room Number: #400

About Me

Biographical Sketch:

I am a native to Colorado. I am happily married and have 5 boys, 3 dogs, and 2 cats.

Educational Background:

I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Colorado. I am half way through my Masters degree in Educational Leadership.

Why I enjoy teaching:

I realized at a young age that teaching was my natural skill set. I have always enjoyed helping kids learn. What fills me most about my job is that I can be a positive male role model. Each day brings happiness to me when I see students having fun, laughing, and treating others with kindness and respect while becoming life long movers.

Interest & Hobbies:

I enjoy spending time with my family outdoors. Whether it's hiking, trail running, biking, frisbee golf at city park, or strolling down Old Town there is always an adventure waiting!

What I love about Olander:

Olander Elementary is a wonderful school. The staff, students, and community are incredible. There is tremendous support and I feel blessed to be part of this team!

Favorite Quote:

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.

William Blake

Favorite Athlete:

Peyton Manning


Olander's Elementary PE curriculum is based on the State standards along with the PSD PE standards. K-2 learn locomotor, manipulative, and stability skills through a variety of organized games. 3rd-5th graders are introduced to teams sports and individual sports. I begin class with warm-up games and then pick leaders to lead the class in stretching/strength. After our warm-up, each class reads and reviews their Learning Target. Students take full ownership in their learning to be successful skilled movers.