Olander Community Connection


Hello Olander Families---What a HUGE paradigm shift we're experiencing as our 20-21 school year starts off remote. More than anything, we hope that you and your family are healthy and happy. We are all working incredibly hard here to be most responsive to your child's needs in the face of this crisis and the constraints it places on all of us. We have appreciated all of your support and are grateful for this opportunity to work through this together. We'll use our Community Connection page to provide some school wide activities to sustain and enhance the wonderful school culture we're all so proud to have cultivated here. Frankly, it's one of the things that makes Olander so amazing. While connecting will be done remotely, please know that the well-being of your families is on the forefront of our hearts and minds. We are all looking forward to the day where this is in our rear view mirror, we can all be together again, and breathe life into our home away from home on Auntie Stone.

With love,

Your Olander Staff