Multisensory Practice

Make practicing letter, words, and sight words more fun!
Writing words and letters is ESSENTIAL and gets forgotten in this time of digital learning.
Try one of these fun ways to incorporate writing to learn and reinforce letter/sound or words. Remember to use good pencil grip.

Make your own letter tiles from old boxes.

Write VOWELS in red.

Jump to certain words or letters.

Find then pop (or touch) words or letters on bubble wrap!

Sidewalk chalk!

Water paint on sidewalk!

Hopscotch with letters or words!

Jump on sight words!

*Fill Ziplock with
hair gel!

Fill Ziplock with shaving cream!

*Fill Ziplock with tempera paint with Q-tip!

Fill Ziplock with Sprinkles!

*Paint with clothespin and cotton ball!

*Makes letters with toy cars!

Make letters with household objects!

Make words with household objects!

*Paintbrush letters/words in sand, salt or sugar!

Two Finger draw letters/words in sand, salt or sugar!

Draw letters in shaving cream (in a tray or baking dish!)

*Draw letters in the dirt!

*Use sticks to pick up cotton balls!

*Create a maze with stickers or stamps!

*Slice a tennis ball, then squeeze on the side to open the mouth. Feed it letters!

*Tongs for gripping!

Finger write letters on textures in your house!

Trace letters over textures in your house. Cross stitch plastic works great!

Make and trace letters from pipe cleaners!

Write letters over sandpaper!

Boggie boards!

Hot glue letters or words!

Sketch boards!

Create a Venn Diagram to compare letters or words!

*Write letters or words on Playdough then read and squish!

*Form letters or words with Playdough!

*Write with sticks in Playdough!

*Form letter with Wiki Sticks!

Dry Erase marker on glass!

Dry erase letter/words then erase with Q-tip!

Erase certain letters or words!

Write in Chalk and erase with painting water!

Jump to a certain letter or word!

Letter/word matching on paper plates!

Crayon resist! Write with white crayon then color over with red crayon, or scratch into red colored area.

Watercolor resist! Write with white crayon then paint over with watercolors.