1st Urbauer Class Learning Page

Teacher: Kristen Urbauer Email: kurbauer@psdschools.org 

May 3 Newsletter-Urbauer

***A few things about me. This will be my 4th year teaching 1st grade at McGraw.  I absolutely love this school, and even more, I love teaching first grade! My husband and I have two daughters. Ava will be a sophomore at Rocky and Harper is in 7th grade at Webber.  We also have a newer red retriever puppy, Nalu.  She loves coming to visit our class!  We are originally from Nebraska, but have lived in Fort Collins for 13 years now.  In my free time (is there such a thing?) I love to be outside; running, biking, paddleboarding. Some of my favorite things are: Target (isn't that everybody's?), Starbucks, and Amazon!***