WEB Leaders

WEB Leaders - good news! We WILL still have the WEB leadership program this year, and it will start FOR SURE on Fri, Aug 21st. There will be no training in person on the 17th or 18th, so enjoy the rest of your summers. The mandatory meeting on Fri Aug 21 will be virtual, on MS Teams from 1:00-2:30 - you will be sent an invitation for that soon. Then, we will be meeting the same way every Friday after advisory, from 1:00 - 1:30 (your advisory class is from 12:30 - 1:00 on Fridays). So, weekly WEB meetings will start on Aug 28th, the Friday after the required training date. Please understand that to be a part of the WEB program you are required to attend the training on Aug 21st, as well as the weekly meetings that start on Aug 28th. This is the plan through Oct 16th. When we are allowed to return to school in person, at that time there will be another mandatory training for the 6th grade transition day (TBD), which is still the plan to have happen when we are able to return to school. So for now, please check with your parents right away to make sure you can attend the training on Aug 21st, from 1:00 - 2:30, and please let us know if you will not be able to attend or be a part of the WEB program.

Please know that Mr. A and I, will do our very best to make our WEB MS Teams meetings short, meaningful, engaging and fun and that the expectation is that you will attend, participate and that we will see your faces and hear your voices during those meetings (even if your face is just a picture of yourself that you upload onto your Teams account).

There are other expectations that we have of our WEB leaders every year that we will go over during our training on Aug 21st.

Please know that we truly believe in you as people and as leaders in the Lincoln community. Although we are still in a pandemic, the need for positive leadership in this world has not changed and is actually needed now more than ever. Indeed, the goal of WEB is to develop your leadership potential, to become positive leaders and to ultimately help make the Lincoln community a safe and better place because of your positive leadership. And, of course, to help our little sixlets through this difficult time as much as we can. They will look to you not only for leadership, but for strength and perspective.

The first focus of WEB will be "Weekly Words of Wisdom from WEB leaders." At the training on the 21st, we will cover our first topic - "How to survive and thrive during a pandemic." So, start thinking about how you've survived, or possibly even thrived during this time since the middle of March, and what kind of wisdom, or good advice you might impart on an incoming 6th grader. We will have an open discussion on that topic at our first meeting. Thank you for being a part of WEB, and see you on the 21st - please email Mr. A or Mr. Allen if you have any questions or concerns. Be well!